SEACAS Chipathon 2023

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The IEEE Republic of Philippines Section Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Chapter and CAS/SP Joint Chapter are happy to announce  the SEACAS and Student Chipathon 2023, which will be held  in Quezon City, Philippines on 18-19 September 2023. This year it will be a Chapthon instead of a Hackathon where students will be able to experience the whole integrated circuit (IC) design flow using open-source tools. Details of the event, the tools and mechanics of the Chipathon will be available in this website.

Tentative Schedule

Sept 18, 2023 (Day 1) - SEACAS & Student Chipathon

10:00-12:00 - A discussion on Open-source tools and IC design that will be used in the Chipathon

                   - Student Chipathon starts

12:00-14:00 - Lunch SEACAS participants (officers and students)

14:00-16:00 - Research presentations by Chapter Officers

18:00-20:00 - (Dinner)

Sept 19, 2023 (Day 2) - Student Chipathon

10:00-12:00 - Chipathon continues

12:00-14:00 - Lunch SEACAS participants (officers and students)

14:00-15:30 - Hackathon presentation/judging

15:30-16:00 - Hackathon Award Ceremony

18:00-20:00 - Dinner

Chipathon Mechanics


he students from each chapter will be formed into groups of rwo (2) and they will be asked to design and implement a certain algorithm (e.g. FFT, LMS filtering, Reed-Solomon's coding, etc), the exact algorithm will be announce day of the event, but the necessary software and tools will be given at least a week before the event. An addition to the algorithm, an example or baseline design in RTL will be given as a demonstraton.

Expectations to the students

  1. Digital Design. Students will use the digital (not analog) IC design flow.
  2. Minimum requirements. Each team needs to produce a GDS layout of the baseline design, the design has to be functionally correct, clear DR and LVS.
  3. Additional design credit. Each team is free to implement any modifications / optimizaation to the baseline to improve the design, and the team will be given credits for any improvement (power, performance, area, etc).
  4. Reports. Each team is also expected to be able to generate the following reports: Utilization ratio, Critical path, Area, DRC, violations, etc

Participant Requirements

  1. Basic knowledge of electronics and digital circuits.
  2. Basic knowledge on digital design flow.